Summer '23 Admin Tool Updates

Summer '23 Admin Tool Updates

New View for Data Tables and Mappings

Expanding our updates to Forms, Workflows, and Templates from our Spring ‘23 release, users can now flexibly view Data Tables and Mappings as well.

Data Tables and Mappings now have the same new look and features as Forms, Workflows, and Templates. The new screens include the following updates: 

    1. New grid view that shows more information
    2. Ability to search the columns in the grid
    3. Ability to sort by the columns in the grid

New Grid View 

Data Tables and Mappings now have the new grid screen (like Forms, Workflows, and Templates) instead of the previous screen that displayed only the definition names on the left hand side. 

The Data Tables screen has the following columns: 

    1. Name
    2. ID
    3. Last Modified
    4. Last Update By

When the Data Tables screen is initially opened, the records will sort alphabetically by table name. 

When you select a table, the row will highlight and a preview panel will appear on the right side of the screen. 

Updated Preview Panel and Navigation to Details/Schema/Records

On the Preview Panel, the following features are available: 

  1. Download the metadata record 
    1. If you click “download file”, the Data Table will be downloaded as a .mdt file. 
    2. If you expand the Dependencies section, the related metadata will be shown (the Data Table records as a CSV file) and a download zip button will appear. You have the ability to uncheck specific metadata that you do not want included in the zip file. 
  2. Edit the Data Table and view Data Table records
    1. If you click the pencil icon in the top right corner, the existing screen will appear where the user can see the Details, Schema, and Records tabs. 

Intuitive Email and HTTP Backend Action Requests 

Users can now intuitively create email and HTTP Backend Action requests.

Email and HTTP requests in Backend Actions now have a much more intuitive UI. 

  1. UI adjustments to place fields in more relevant places on the action
  2. Reduced clicks as everything was brought into one screen

Specific UI Adjustments

    1. The “Save” button has been moved to the top right corner and is only visible if there are unsaved changes. 
    2. You no longer need to click a pencil icon to see a pop up to edit the request. You can view and edit your request as soon as you click on the request tab.
    3. Text editor support for the body of emails: configure links, bold/italic/underline text, numbered/bulleted lists, and header formatting.
    4. The most frequently used fields are front and center while more rarely used fields are hidden at first but still easily accessible if you need them.
    5. Enhanced email testing so you can now test multiple emails without having to leave the Test tab.

Store Images in Data Tables 

Now you can access and organize images in Mirata Data Tables.

New Type for Data Tables in the Admin Tool

A new Type is now available for fields in your Data Table schema: image. You can perform all the existing Data Table actions which you can for other Types (string, decimal, datetime, etc.). For example, you can:

  1. Query a Data Table image field to dynamically get the right image to display in a form
  2. Map image fields in your form to the image field in your Data Table in an add Data Table request

Instructions for Adding Images from a Form to a Data Table

  1. Select image as the Type for one of the fields in a Data Table
  2. Create an add Data Table Backend Action Request to add to this Data Table
  3. Create an Input Parameter of Type image and map it to the image field in this Data Table
  4. In the Workflow Designer, select this Backend Action for a transition
  5. Map any image component from your form or workflow to the image Input Parameter of the Backend Action 
  6. Try it in the inbox and see your images added to the Data Table!

Instructions for Bringing Images from a Data Table Into a Form

Note: When you query an image field in a Data Table, the result will be a URL (a string), not the image itself. You can easily use this URL to display the image in an image component on the form.

  1. Select image as the Type for one of the fields in a Data Table
  2. Create a query Data Table Backend Action Request to query this Data Table
  3. Use this query in the initial or update calculation for an array field (including List and Image Grid components) 
  4. If you’re using an image component inside a list: 
  1. Drag one input and one image component inside the list
  2. Set the name of the input component to the exact name of the image field in the Data Table schema (case-sensitive)
  3. In the Control Properties for the image component, select “Use Calculation”
  4. For the “Image ID,” use a calculation to select the input component
  1. If you’re using an Image Grid: 
  1. Add a string field to your grid in the Layers tab of the left-hand panel 
  2. In Control Properties for the Image Grid, select “image source”
  3. For the “URL Field,” use a calculation to select the string field
  1. Preview your form or try it in the inbox to see the image(s) come through!

Restrict Login Rights to the Admin Tool, Inbox, and Designer

Use the new “Login Rights” role privilege to control users’ access to logging in to the Inbox, Designer, and Admin Tool applications altogether.

Previously, you could restrict users’ access to specific features within the Inbox, Designer, and Admin Tool, but you couldn’t restrict the ability to log in to the application itself. For example, someone who cannot build forms would be able to log in to the Designer, but they would not have viewing, editing, or creating form definition rights, so they wouldn’t be able to see any form definitions or perform any actions in the Designer.

Now, you can restrict users from logging in to the Inbox, Designer, and Admin Tool altogether, so you can avoid any confusion from a user logging into an application for which they have no rights to view, edit, or create anything. 

If a user tries to log into a part of the application that they do not have access to, they will see a message informing them that they do not have rights to log in. 

Logging All Errors

Client-side errors from the Web Inbox, Xamarin Inbox, Designer, and Admin Tool will now display in the Log Info table in the Admin Tool. 

All errors which appear in your web browser console will now display in the Admin Tool Log Info as well, so your system administrators have much increased visibility into what’s happening across your organization.

Fixed Issues




Too many definitions receiving error when loading admin tool



Data table request error when datetime input parameter format is removed



Infinite spinner after testing a send an email action



User can delete a form type that has an associate submission



SAP credentials and connection certificates are not cached

