Any pending changes will now be automatically sent when the user logs out
New functionality is available in the Mirata mobile applications (windows, iOS, and Android) to automatically send any pending data at the following points:
When a user logs out and there are pending/unsynced changes on their device, they will see a message notifying them that there are unsaved changes that will be synced before they are logged out.
At this point in time, the Mirata app will attempt to sync all the pending changes. If the changes are successfully synced, the user will be redirected to the login screen. If the changes are not successfully synced the user will see an error message notifying them that the app was unable to sync the pending changes and then be redirected to the login screen.
When a user logs in and there are pending/unsynced changes on their device from a previous user, they will not see the “sign in” button. Instead they will see a message notifying them that there are unsaved changes being synced. If the sync is successful, the user will see a message notifying them that the sync was successful. They will now see the “sign in” button.
If the unsaved changes were not successfully synced, an email will be sent to mirata support with the pending changes. They will now see the “sign in” button.
Recent changes are automatically saved
New functionality is available in the Mirata mobile applications (windows, iOS, and Android) are periodically saved so recent changes aren’t lost.
The form is checked for changes every 60 seconds. If there are changes, a draft is locally saved.
Users can now more better understand the state of their Mirata app with easy-to-see icons for the following scenarios:
Previously, connection status was only communicated to the user when they were out of coverage and in offline mode. Now the user will see an icon denoting having coverage in online mode as well.
If the user has pending changes while they are in offline mode, they will now see an icon denoting that there are unsaved changes