Email Notification Request Integration Actions

Email Notification Request Integration Actions

Creating Email Notification Requests (Admin Tool)

The email requests are intuitively designed to mimic classic email services. The only required fields are the Recipient(s), Subject, and Body. Additionally, you can add CC or BCC recipients, an attachment of the form as a PDF, or advanced address info. 

Input Parameters

In the INPUTS tab, you can create input parameters. Using an input parameter allows the form designers to insert a value that dynamically comes from form data.

To use input parameters, simply put them inside “{ }”. For example, the email subject in this example will be whatever is passed to the input parameter “Subject”. 

Using Email Notification Requests in Forms (Designer)

You can tie an integration action to transitions in your form’s workflow. To do this:

  1. In the Workflow Designer, select your transition
  2. Under “Integration Actions”, click the + button
  3. Select your Integration Action
  4. If your action has input parameters like our example does, they’ll be listed under Input Data so that you can map them to form data (like RecipientEmails, Subject, … in the below screenshot)
  1. Use  to select a form field
  2. Use to use a calculation
  1. Optionally, use “For Each in Array” to run this action for each row in the selected array
  2. Optionally, you can set a filter so that this action doesn’t always run during this transition