Spring '24 Designer Updates

Spring '24 Designer Updates

Rearrange Inputs for an Inline Data Table

You can now drag and drop to rearrange the order of inline table inputs

  1. Click the equals sign and drag the input up or down to put them in your desired order

Enable Full-Screen Zooming on Image Controls

New control “Enable Zooming” now available in the Control Properties for image controls

  1. When enabled, zoom icon appears in the top right of the image
  2. User can click the zoom button to open the image full-screen

Build Dashboards in the Designer

Build a submission dashboard for your inbox in the designer using the same drag and drop functionality that you use to build forms

  1. Add multiple table panes of related submissions with customized columns and filters
  2. Add a right panel submission list pane of related submissions 
  3. Configure which groups can see which dashboards in the admin tool 

New Workflow User Experience

We’ve shifted away from tabs of workflow information and now your entire workflow is viewable on one screen 

  1. The chart view of the workflow is always visible on the left side of the designer
  2. Configure each workflow transition on the right side of the designer

Fixed Issues




Duplicating a signature control in list provides an image control



Save button doesn’t enable when: 

–on workflow and there are only form changes or vice versa

user group is changed from dropdown for User Table

–any update is made on Form Details from left side panel



Slider single-message validation missing min and max



Images from data table query don't show in preview

