Admin Tool Overview

Admin Tool Overview

On the top left of the Admin Tool, you have 3 tabs - SecurityAdmin, and Forms Catalog. Under each, you have different options on the left. Keep reading to learn what you can do in each of these tabs on the left.



View some basic information about your organization, including: Organization NameOrganization TimezoneContact Name, and Email Address


Create and edit Users and their privileges across the Mirata Designer, Admin Tool, and Inbox. 


Create and edit User Groups. Configure which Roles are assigned to which User Groups.


Create and edit Roles, which you can assign to User Groups in the Groups tab.

Form Types

Every Mirata form must be tied to one and only one Form Type. Here, create, edit, and delete the Form Types for your organization. 


Data Tables

Use data tables to store collections of data within Mirata. You can add records to Mirata Data Tables manually in the Records tab or view a Data Table Backend Action (see Backend Actions below for more information).

There are 3 tabs for each data table:

  1. Details: Set or edit data table NameDescriptionTable Type, and Storage Type. (You’ll almost always want to select Table Type of Simple and Storage Type of Dynamo.)
  2. Schema: Define the columns of your data table. Make sure to select the correct data types.
  3. Records: Download, upload, and view records in your data table. Use filters to sort the data.

Backend Actions

Use backend actions to run HTTP requests, send emails from Mirata, and perform standard database actions on Mirata Data Tables. 

There are 3 tabs in Backend Actions:

  1. Definition: Set data table name and add a description (for documentation purposes).
  2. Inputs: Define any input values needed to perform the backend action. Each Input Parameter has a Key, a Field Type, and a Description which are required. 
  1. The Key field must be unique within the Query/Action it is stored on and it cannot contain any spaces or underscores. 
  2. The Field Type must match the field type of the value you are setting the parameter as when executed. 
  3. The Description is to provide additional details about the parameter for documentation.
  1. Request: There are 3 different types of backend action requests, detailed below. Based on the request type you select, you’ll get different options in the Request tab. 

These are our 3 types of actions:

(1) Email Notification Request

Use this type of backend action to trigger email sends. 

In the Address Info section, you can configure the following:

  1. Recipients: At least one recipient is required. Multiple recipients can be added by separating them with commas or using the Enter button.
  2. CC, BCC: A standard list of email addresses. Multiple emails can be added by separating them with commas or using the Enter button.

In the Email Editor section, you can configure the following:

  1. Subject: A useful description for your email.
  2. Body: Choose between an unformatted String body and a formatted HTML body. We recommend using the HTML body to customize your message formatting.
  3. Attachments: Add an attachment to this email. Currently supports Images (via Input Parameters) or a Form Submission in the PDF format.

    Using Input Parameters: You can use Input Parameters in any of the Email Notification fields. To use them, wrap the Input Parameter's name in curly brackets. For example, use the Input Parameter "FirstName" in the email body as follows: "Hello {FirstName}..." or use the Input Parameter "List-of-Recipients" (a comma-separated list of email addresses) by typing "{List-of-Recipients}" in the Recipients field.

(2) Data Table Request

Use a Data Table Request to perform a database action on a Mirata Data Table.

In the Request Info section, you can configure the following:

  1. Data Table: Select the Mirata Data Table for which you want to perform a data table request.
  2. Request Type: Select the standard database action you want to perform for the selected Mirata Data Table.
    1. Add - Create a new record in a data table.
    2. AddUpdate - If the record is new, create it. If the record already exists, update it.
    3. Update - Update an existing record in a data table.
    4. Delete - Remove an existing record in a data table.
    5. Query - Get a list of data table records based on some criteria.
    6. QueryDelete - Get a list of data table records based on some criteria and delete them.

For Add/AddUpdate/Update/Delete actions, you will see the Data Table Request Editor which includes all columns from the selected Data Table. Required columns are designated with an asterisk. Map an input value to each. You can use an input parameter (which will be a value that comes from each form that uses this action), constant value or expansion string. If the field is required in the selected Data Table, then only required input parameters will be options.

For Query/QueryDelete actions, you will see our zero-code Query Editor. Here, build out your query using the columns from the selected Data Table and the input parameters.

(3) Http Request

Use this type of action to perform POST/PUT/GET/DELETE HTTP Requests, with the ability to utilize Input Parameters. 

  1. Request Info: In the Request Info section, you can choose the Request Type, as well as the correct Connection Info to configure your request URL base. Use the URL Path to specify the endpoint for this HTTP Request. The URL Path field supports Expansion Strings.
  2. Headers: These Key/Value pairs will be added as Headers to your HTTP Request. Select from a list of commonly used HTTP Request Headers, or input your own Headers to customize the functionality. The Value fields support Expansion Strings.
  3. Query Parameters: These Key/Value pairs will be formatted and added to your HTTP Request URL as Query Parameters. The Value fields support Expansion Strings.
  4. Body Type: The Body Type for the HTTP Request is used to define the type of data being sent in the body of the HTTP Request. Mirata HTTP Requests support OData, XML, JSON, String, Form URL Encoded, Multipart Form, Document Upload, and JSON Transformation (JSONata) body types. The content-type header for the HTTP Request will get set automatically based on the Body Type you select.
  1. String: A plain old string.
    1. Content Type: text/plain
  2. JSON: JavaScript Object Notation. More Info:
    1. Content Type: application/json
  3. OData: OData (Open Data Protocol) is a standard that defines the best practice for building and consuming RESTful APIs. Mirata OData requests use JSON format for the body. More Info:
    1. Content Type: application/json
  4. XML: Extensible Markup Language. More Info: MDN Docs
    1. Content Type: application/xml
  5. Form URL Encoded: Data is formatted in Key/Value pairs. Non-alphanumeric characters in both keys and values are URL encoded. This is the reason why this type is not suitable to use with binary data (use Multipart Form Data instead)
    1. Content Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  6. Multipart Form Data: Data is formatted into blocks (body part), with a special delimiter (boundary) separating each part. The keys are given in the Content-Disposition header of each part. This request type does not encode data, and is suitable for binary data.
    1. Content Type: multipart/form-data
  7. Document Upload: Used to attach Image/PDF files to your HTTP Requests.
    1. Content Type: application/pdf or image/*
  8. JSON Transformation (JSONata): A lightweight query and transformation language for JSON data. Results in a standard JSON object. More Info:
    1. Content Type: application/json

Dashboards (Beta)

The beta version of Dashboards allows you to upload a dashboard definition which will become a new tab in the Inbox. Dashboards allow you to configure landing pages for the Inbox for a more customized inbox experience. Use Submission Queries to get the form submissions you want to show.

Coming later in 2023, you will be able to design dashboards using our intuitive, drag & drop designer. 

Connection Info

Establish connections between Mirata and outside APIs. For example, to integrate Mirata with SAP, a Connection needs to be created in Mirata for SAP. This Connection needs to be created once and then can be used over and over. 

Submission Queries

Submission is an instance of a Mirata form which was created in the Mirata Inbox. Create queries to find submissions based on some criteria, using our zero-code Query Editor.  

Log Info

View the logs for any errors that occurred in your organization, including log in denials and missing images. You can filter to find the logs you’re looking for.

Forms Catalog

Form Definitions

In the Form Definitions tab, you can: 

  1. Create a form by uploading a Mirata Form Definition file (.mfd) - After navigating to the Form Definitions tab: Click “add form” in the top right and then you’ll be prompted to select your .mfd file. To move a form from one Mirata environment to another, you can download the .mfd file in one environment and then upload it in another environment. 

  2. Download File - After navigating to the Form Definitions tab, then selecting a form: Click “download file” at the bottom right to download the Mirata Form Definition file (.mfd). Expand the “Dependencies” dropdown and then click “download zip” to download any related files in addition to the Mirata Form Definition file, including Mirata Data Table files (.mdt) and Mirata Backend Action files (.mba) which that form references. 

  1. Edit form definition details - After navigating to the Form Definitions tab, then selecting a form, then clicking the pencil icon in the top right: You can edit the VersionNameDescriptionForm TypeWorkflow, and Workflow Version for that form. 
  1. Version: View the current version of the form. You can change the version at the top and then click “download zip” at the bottom right to download an older version as a Mirata Form Definition file (You can then use the “add form” button to replace the current version with that older version you just downloaded).
  2. Name: This is what form users will see when they create a form in the Inbox and what form designers will see when they go to edit the form in the Designer. 
  3. Description: For documentation. 
  4. Form Type: Every form needs one and only one form type. Use form types to manage user access to forms. 
  5. Workflow/Workflow Version: Every form needs a workflow. You can change which workflow is linked to the form here and see the version. 

  1. View submissions - After navigating to the Form Definitions tab, then selecting a form, then clicking the pencil icon in the top right: Click on the Submissions tab to view a list of any submissions that have been created in the Inbox for this form. 

Template Libraries

Similarly, in the Template Libraries tab, you can: 

  1. Create a template by uploading a Mirata Template Library file (.mtl) - After navigating to the Template Libraries tab: Click “add template” in the top right and then you’ll be prompted to select your .mtl file. To move a template from one Mirata environment to another, you can download the .mtl file in one environment and then upload it in another environment. 

  2. Download as Mirata Template Library file (.mtl) - After navigating to the Template Libraries tab, then selecting a template: Click “download file” at the bottom right to download the Mirata Template Library file (.mtl). Expand the “Dependencies” dropdown and then click “download zip” to download any related files in addition to the Mirata Template Library file, including Mirata Data Table files (.mdt) and Mirata Backend Action files (.mba) which that template references. 

  1. Edit template details - After navigating to the Template Libraries tab, then selecting a template, then clicking the pencil icon in the top right: You can edit the VersionName, and Description for that template. 
  1. Version: View the current version of the template. You can change the version at the top and then click “download zip” at the bottom right to download an older version as a Mirata Template Libraries file (You can then use the “add template” button to replace the current version with that older version you just downloaded). 
  2. Name: This is what form designers will use to search for and identify this template. It has no impact on the end user.
  3. Description: For documentation. 


Similarly, in the Workflows tab, you can: 

  1. Create a workflow by uploading a Mirata workflow file (.mwf) - After navigating to the Workflows tab: Click “add workflow” in the top right and then you’ll be prompted to select your .mwf file. To move a workflow from one Mirata environment to another, you can download the .mwf file in one environment and then upload it in another environment. 

  2. Download File - After navigating to the Workflows tab, then selecting a workflow: Click “download file” at the bottom right to download the Mirata Workflow file (.mwf). Expand the “Dependencies” dropdown and then click “download zip” to download any related files in addition to the Mirata Workflow file, including Mirata Data Table files (.mdt) and Mirata Backend Action files (.mba) which that workflow references. 

  1. Edit workflow definition details - After navigating to the Workflows tab, then selecting a workflow, then clicking the pencil icon in the top right: You can edit the VersionNameDescription, and Form Type for that workflow. 
  1. Version: View the current version of the workflow. You can change the version at the top and then click “download zip” at the bottom right to download an older version as a Mirata Workflow file (You can then use the “add workflow” button to replace the current version with that older version you just downloaded). If you upload a new version of a workflow, you will want to also update the Workflow Version for any forms which reference this workflow in the Forms Definition tab.
  2. Name: This is what form designers will use to search for and identify this workflow. It has no impact on the end user.
  3. Description: For documentation. 
  4. Form Type: Every workflow needs one and only one form type. Make sure the form type is the same as the form type of any forms it’s linked to.

  1. View submissions - After navigating to the Workflows tab, then selecting a workflow, then clicking the pencil icon in the top right: Click on the Submissions tab to view a list of any submissions that have been created in the Inbox for a form that uses this workflow. 


For more technical users who have access and use Mirata embedded inside other applications you can create Mappings to outside systems, such as SAP Asset Manager. Like Form DefinitionsTemplates, and Workflows, you can download and upload Mappings with Mirata Form Mappings files (.mfm). 

The Image Gallery holds all images that form designers in your organization can use through an Image field in any form.

In Images, you can: 

  1. Edit an image - You can edit the Name and Description
  1. Name: This is what form designers will see when they go to use this image in the Designer. This is also what form users will see in the Inbox when the image is used as an option for selection.
  2. Description: For documentation.

  1. Upload images - Click the + icon in the top left, then you’ll be prompted to upload an image file.