Workflow Designer Overview

Workflow Designer Overview

What is a Mirata Workflow?

Mirata workflows are the driving force behind the business processes that route your forms. By leveraging the Workflow Designer, you can seamlessly configure a series of transitions and status changes that your form will undergo. It's important to note that each form corresponds to a dedicated workflow, creating a 1:1 relationship.

When Transitions Execute

Transitions are manually triggered by the user. When using your form in the Inbox, there are two ways the user can trigger a transition: 

  1. Like the "Start" button above, each transition has a transition button by default which appears overlayed on the bottom right corner of the form in the Inbox. Transition buttons trigger the execution of the transition. (You can configure the visibility and style of transition buttons in the right-hand Property Pane.) 
  2. Like the "NEXT" button above, you can drag a Workflow Transition Button to anywhere on the form in the Form Designer. In the Control Properties (with the button selected), you select the transition which you want to trigger whenever a user clicks that button. 
  1. Note: Since transition buttons trigger workflow transitions, test these in the Inbox, not in Preview Mode in the Form Designer. 

The transition actually executes after the user successfully closes the dialog by clicking the Ok button without hitting any validation errors. If the user clicks the Cancel button in the dialog, then the transition does not execute. If Hide Dialog is on, then the transition executes immediately (if all validations are satisfied) and the dialog is never shown. 

Navigating to the Workflow Designer

To get to the Workflow Designer, you start in the Designer and select a form. Then, navigate to the Workflow tab in the top left of the Form Designer. 

  1. For help navigating to the Designer, go to the Navigating Mirata's Web Platform: Unique URLs for form building, usage, and management article
  2. For help logging in for the first time, go to the Logging In for the First Time: A step-by-Step guide to accessing the Mirata platform article

Workflow Designer Modes

Similar to the Form Designer, toggle between the 3 “modes” using the tabs in the top right: 

  1. Edit Mode (🖋): In Edit Mode, you can configure each transition in your workflow. 
  2. Chart Mode: In Chart Mode, view your workflow in process flow format. Here, configure what transitions your workflow includes and what status changes occur for each transition.  
  3. Advanced Editor (< >): You don’t need to use the Advanced Editor. The Advanced Editor shows you the code (in Mirata’s proprietary form definition language) which gets automatically generated based on your actions in Edit Mode.

Workflow Designer Chart Mode

  1. Each arrow represents a transition. The text in the middle of the arrow is the transition’s name. 
  2. Each blue pill represents a status
  1. The black circle with an asterisk represents a transition that is available from any status. 
  2. The form’s status is available to use in calculations anywhere in the Form or Workflow Designer that you can use a calculation. The status is a string field.
  1. Add a transition by clicking the blue +. Edit a transition and statuses by selecting the transition and then clicking the pencil icon. 
  1. For the start and end statuses, either select an existing status from the dropdown or create a new status by typing out the name.

In this example workflow . . . 

    1. There are 3 transitions: createsubmit, and test validations. There are 2 possible statuses for the form: Created and Submitted.
    2. The create transition is enabled when the form is in any status. After it’s executed, it will update the status to Created.
    3. The submit transition is enabled when the form is in Created status. After it’s executed, it will update the status to Submitted
    4. The test validations transition is enabled when the form is in any status. After it’s executed, it will not update the status, so the status will remain as-is. 

Workflow Designer Edit Mode 

Edit Mode Layout

Similar to the Form Designer, there are 4 main spaces when in Edit Mode:

  1. Controls: On the left, you select the transition which you want to edit (“create” transition is selected here). What you configure in the other sections will apply only to the transition which is selected here, so make sure to always have the correct transition selected. 
  2. Component Selector: This section works the same as in the Form Designer. 
  3. Dialog Editing Space: The Dialog is the pop up which will appear when a transition executes. You can choose to hide the dialog for any transition, so that there’s no confirmation pop up.
  4. Property Pane: When you have a field in the Dialog selected, the Property Pane will function the same as it does in the Form Designer. When you have the Dialog itself selected and not a specific field, the Property Pane is where you can configure many things about your transition. We describe this more below in detail. 
  5. Actions: Below the dialog, you can add:
  1. Form Updates - Updates fields in the form from fields in the transition dialog whenever the transition selected in Controls at the bottom executes.
  2. Backend Updates - Add Backend Actions which you create and test in the Admin Tool to be triggered whenever the transition selected in Controls at the bottom executes. For more information on Backend Actions, go to the "Backend Actions" section of the Admin Tool Overview: An introduction to the Admin Tool platform and its main features article
  3. Create Form - Trigger the creation of a new form submission whenever the transition selected in Controls at the bottom executes. This can be of the same or a different form type. You will be prompted to map in values for any fields which are in the transition dialog of the “create” transition for that form (since the form user will not see that create dialog in the Inbox).
  4. Update Other Form - Trigger an update of other form submissions whenever the transition selected in Controls at the bottom executes. You select a Submission Query to query for the applicable submissions. For more information on Submission Queries, go to the "Submission Queries" section of the Admin Tool Overview: An introduction to the Admin Tool platform and its main features article

Property Pane for Dialog Editing Space

When you select the background of the dialog pop-up and not a specific field, you see the below tabs in the Property Pane on the right. Click the white space behind any fields you have in your dialog to select the dialog itself.

Transition Properties

  1. Name: Edit the name of the transition.
  2. Transition:
  1. Show Button: Show the transition button (appears overlayed on the bottom right corner of the form in the Inbox) whenever this transition is enabled. 
  2. Hide Dialog: Do not show the dialog and immediately execute the transition when triggered. 
  3. Save Form: Save the form whenever this transition is executed. 
  1. Enabled: This boolean calculation is automatically generated based on the flow you put together in Chart mode. If you want to do something more advanced than what you can do in Chart mode, you can configure a calculation for when this transition is enabled. 
  1. One example of when you might want to utilize this is if you want the transition to only be enabled for users in particular user groups.
  2. Whenever a transition is not enabled, the transition button will not show. 
  1. Visible: Configure if the dialog will appear when the transition is run. You should use the Transition Hide Dialog switch instead if the dialog should always be hidden or always shown. Use this field if you have a complicated use case which requires a calculation for when the dialog should show.
  2. Validation: The transition dialog itself can have a validation.
  3. Form Valid Fields: In Form Valid Fields, link sections from your form to your transition for validation purposes. If a field or parent section of a field is linked to a transition in Form Valid Fields, then the user will not be able to execute the transition without meeting any validations that are on those fields in the Form Designer. 
  1. Any validations that are on fields in the dialog do not need to be added to Form Valid Fields. These validations will automatically block a user from successfully clicking the OK button of the dialog pop-up.

Transition Assignment 

In this tab, you can set any changes to who the form is assigned to after this transition executes. The forms that appear in your Inbox are ones which are currently assigned to your user or a user group which you belong to (based on user rights). 

There are 3 options:

  1. No Change: Assignment of the form remains the same.
  2. Set: Remove any current assignments and assign to the Set list. 
  3. Add/Remove: Assignment of the form remains the same except for any additions or removals you enter. 

Transition Dialog 

When you create a new transition, the transition dialog text will auto-populate based on your transition name, but you can always change it.

  1. Size: Configure the size of the pop-up window. 
  2. Title: Change the text where it says “Title” in the below example.
  3. Message: Change the text where it says “Message here.” in the below example.
  4. Ok Label: Change the text of the “OK” button.
  5. Cancel Label: Change the text of the “CANCEL” button.

Transition Button 

Each transition can have a button that’s shown in the Inbox, overlaid on the bottom-right hand of the form (the transition buttons in the below example are “SAVE” and “SEND FOR APPROVALS”).

  1. Text: Configure the text of the button when it appears in the Inbox (in the above example, the text field for these transition buttons are “SAVE” and “SEND FOR APPROVALS”).
  2. Icon: Select an icon to appear in the button.
  1. Position: Configure if the icon is to the left or right of the text.

Transition Button Style, Style Properties, & Child Style Properties 

Similar to in the Form Designer, you can configure the style (including color, text size, icons, height, and more) of your transition buttons and the dialog window. Child Style Properties also works the same as in Form Designer - any style configurations you make in this tab will apply to all fields that are in the dialog.

For more details on Style and Child Style Properties, go to the Designer Formatting article