How to use Scheduled Jobs

How to use Scheduled Jobs

What is a Scheduled Job?

A scheduled job is a group of integration actions that run automatically on configured schedules. 

Some example use cases for scheduled jobs are: 

  1. Delete submissions that were submitted more than 14 days ago and send an email notification when it’s complete
  2. Send a monthly email report of forms that have been in open status for more than 7 days

How to Configure a Scheduled Job

Navigate to the Scheduled Jobs tab in the Admin Tool ADMIN tab and then perform these 3 steps:

  1. Add Integration Action(s)
  2. Configure Schedule(s)
  3. Test your Scheduled Job 

(1) Add Integrations Action(s)

As a prerequisite to this step, you need to have already created integration actions in the Integration Actions tab of the Admin Tool. Go to the “Integration Actions” section of the “Admin Tool Overview” article for more details on setting up integration actions 

In the DETAILS tab of your new scheduled job:

  1. Set a name and description.
  2. Select the user who will execute this job. If you’re not sure which user to select, please reach out to your system administrator. We recommend that your organization uses a standard ‘job runner’ user for scheduled jobs. Role rights for a scheduled job user already exist in your Mirata environment. 
  3. Select the submission query for which the integration actions will execute. For example, here we have a delete submissions integration action. The submission query will grab the submissions that will be deleted. Go to the “Submission Query” section of the “Admin Tool Overview” article for more details on submission queries
  4. Use the +ADD button to add integration actions to this job. The order that the integration actions are listed in here is the order in which they’ll be executed. You can re-order the actions using the up and down arrows on the left. 
  1. NOTE: You currently cannot use integration actions that have required input parameters, so integration actions that have required input parameters will not appear in the list when you click +ADD.

(2) Configure Schedules(s)

Use the +ADD button in the SCHEDULES tab of your submission query to add schedules to your job. You can add only one schedule or as many schedules as you’d like. 

Schedules provide a wide range of options so they’re flexible to meet your needs. You can select Days of the Week, Days of the Month, or Cadence and then you’ll receive options subsequently based on your selections. In this example, we set up 3 schedules: 

  1. Run every Friday of December at 10:45 AM UTC
  2. Run on the 1st and 15th of January, April, July, and October at 7:56 AM UTC
  3. Run every 12 hours (starting time is when you save the schedule)

When you’re first setting up your job, we recommend toggling it to disabled, so that it doesn’t run automatically before you’re done configuring it. When enabled, the associated integration action(s) will run automatically on the schedule, so we recommend setting schedules to enabled only after you’ve tested the job in the next step.

(3) Test your Scheduled Job

Similar to the TEST tab for integration actions, use the RUN tab to test your scheduled job. When you click the RUN JOB button, all the integration actions you added in the DETAILS tab will execute. This means that if you have a delete submissions action, like in this example, then the submissions found by the submission query will actually get deleted from the Inbox. If you do not want the actions to actually execute, set the individual integration actions to “test” mode. 

If the request is started successfully, you’ll see a response here. You won’t see a response here as the Actions complete. 

Once you’re happy with the scheduled job you set up, you can enable the schedules in the SCHEDULES tab and then your job will continue to run automatically.