Integration Actions

Integration Actions

Note that before the Spring ‘24 release, “Integration Actions” were called “Backend Actions”. The name change did not affect any functionality.

Understanding Integration Actions

What is an Integration Action?

Integration Actions are records created in the Admin Tool and then tied to forms in the Designer. Use them to talk to Mirata Data Tables, integrate with other systems, or send emails.

Example: Email

  1. Create the email integration action in the Admin Tool (anywhere there are “{ }”, the value is coming from form data).
  2. Add this action to any transition in any workflow in the Designer.

Example: Mirata Data Table query

  1. Create the data table request action in the Admin Tool. (Prerequisite: You’ve created the data table).
  2. You can use this query in multiple places in the Designer, including to get the list of options in a dropdown field.

How to create an Integration Action

  1. In the Admin tab in the Admin Tool, you’ll find the Integration Actions tab. 
  2. Click the + ADD INTEGRATION ACTION button in the top right.
  3. Provide a name (this is how users will find this action in the Designer).
  4. Select an Action Request Type (types of integration actions are below in detail).
  5. You can then set up your request. Setting up a request looks different based on the type of integration action you selected in #4. 

Input Parameters

Input parameters dynamically pull form data into your request. Configure input parameters in the Input Parameters tab of the action in the Admin Tool.

Here are some examples when it would be useful to utilize input parameters:

Use Case

How to utilize input parameters

You want to store the reading values entered by a tech on a form in a Mirata Data Table or send those values to another system when the form is submitted. 

Use a data table or http request and create an input parameter for each of the values that you’re sending to the table or other system.

You want your form to send an email to the person selected on the form as the approver whenever there’s one ready for their approval.

Use an email notification request and create an input parameter for the recipient email address list. You might also create input parameters for the form’s ID number, the technician’s name, and the datetime of form completion so that you can insert this data in the subject and/or body of the email.

If a reading is out of bounds, you want the form to automatically create a notification in some other system. 

Use an http request and create an input parameter for each piece of data that you need to send in order to create the notification, such as: technician name, datetime of reading, and reading value.

How to tie an Integration Action to a Workflow Transition in the Designer

Once your action is created in the Admin Tool, it’s really simple for form designers to use that action in their workflows. With the desired transition selected in the Designer, simply click the “+” button in the Integration Actions tab.

Then, the form designer will get a screen like this where they can search for and select the desired action and then map values for input parameters. Each field listed under “Input Data” is an input parameter on that action. You’ll see you can easily map each input parameter to form data, directly to a field, or through a calculation. (You can also run the action for each row in an array on the form and add a filter so the action doesn’t always run during this transition.)

Now, the “send an email” action will execute every time the “Approve” transition executes.

You can add as many integration actions to one transition as is needed. However there is a transaction time limit of 30 seconds that cannot be exceeded for each transition. 

Testing Integration Actions

Every action type has a “TEST” tab in the Admin Tool. In this tab, you execute the action. As a best practice, you should always test an action in the Admin Tool before including it in a form in the Designer. 

CAUTION: If the action is in Live mode, then when you run the action, it will actually be executed:

  1. For Data Table Requests, records in your Data Table will actually be added/deleted/updated. 
  2. For Form Submission Requests, the Form Submission with the provided Submission ID will actually be deleted. 
  3. For Email Notification Requests, an email will actually be delivered.

Types of Integration Actions

Type of Integration Action


Data Table Requests

Add, Update, Delete, or Query data from a Mirata Data Table.

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Email Notification Requests

Send emails with configurable recipients, subject, body, etc.

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Embedded Integration Events

Send messages from a Mirata form to an Integration Application (such as MDK).

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Http Requests

Perform any HTTP request. Body types supported: String, JSON, OData, XML, Form URL Encoded, Multipart Form Data, Document Upload, and JSON Transformation (JSONata).

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Submission Requests

Run update actions for a list of submissions in the Inbox, including deleting them from the Inbox.

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